Expo Ambassador Training Outline
Target group
Volunteers that are interested in representing ASH at expos, booths and other meet-and-greet opportunities
Sharing information with the public, set-up, breakdown, and branding visuals.
Training with LC leaders (refer to the short presentation here)
Objective of Training
- You will learn what is necessary to go to functions representing AccesSurf and adaptive water activities.
- You will be prepared with gear and marketing items that represent the brand with fun, ocean-mindedness, and inclusivity.
- You will learn the basics of the history, mission and vision of AccesSurf.
- You will engage others in the community by creating positive imagery and communication to build adaptive water sporting.
Mission: AccesSurf builds an inclusive community that empowers people with disabilities through accessible beach and water programs.
- Provide services that relate to accessibility through physical environment, adaptive equipment, and social support.
- The organization supports our community of volunteers by providing structure, training, leadership, and innovation to provide quality services to the public free of charge.
Vision: In following the spirit of Duke Kahanamoku, AccesSurf continues to be a pioneer in the advancement of adaptive water sports, ocean recreation, and therapeutic instruction for people with disabilities throughout the state of Hawaii and worldwide.
Who We Serve
- We serve people with disabilities and their family members. We have special aloha for veterans and their families as they learn to integrate into the culture of Hawai’i.
Key People
- Founders: Mark Marble (rec therapist) and Rich Julian (elite athlete)
- Executive Director: Cara Short
- Board of Directors
- Staff
- Leadership Committee (comprised of volunteers and staff)
Water Activities
- Adaptive Surfing
- Adaptive Paddling
- Adaptive Swimming
Program Information (how to participate and what are general rules at programs)
- Day at the Beach
- Free monthly program open to anyone with a cognitive or physical disability
- First Saturday of the month at White Plains beach
- August DATB held at Kualoa Beach Park in collaboration with the city and county of Honolulu
- Wounded Warrior Day at the Beach
- Free monthly program for active duty or veteran military members with cognitive or physical disabilities and their dependents
- Third Wednesday of the month at White Plains beach, with a couple of special programs held yearly in Waikiki
- Surf, Paddle, Swim Clinics
- Quarterly surf clinics are designed to provide participants with specialized instruction to help further their education and skills in surfing.
- Quarterly swim clinics create an inclusive community in which people with disabilities can access a controlled swim environment with the support of coaches and specialized equipment.
- Quarterly paddle clinics are designed to provide individualized paddle experiences for people with disabilities to promote participation in the local paddle communities.
- Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team (HAST)
- The Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team is designed as a training community to develop elite ability in surfing to represent the state of Hawaii in state, national, and international adaptive surfing competitions.
- Hawaii Adaptive Surfing Championships (HASC)
- The oldest adaptive surfing competition in the world.
- Special events
- Access services to many organized sporting events (charity walk, HIO, Punahou School Partnership event)
- Fundraisers to fund AccesSurf services that include (Ocean of Possibilities, Party Wave fundraiser, Giving Wave campaign, and various sponsorships)
- Virtual clinics and programs
- Virtual programs are held throughout the month. Many individuals in our community have tablets that they love to share with everyone in our network.
- These clinics are about an hour and cover various topics on Zoom. They are interactive and people get to participate with the group virtually.
- AccessBuddy
Our AccessBuddy program is designed to give our volunteers and AccesSurfers the opportunity to get out in the water to surf, swim or paddle together.
In compliance with current public safety and state regulations of physical distancing guidelines and small group size, AccesSurfers must be independent on the water.
Volunteers will provide assistance with equipment and an on-the-water buddy.
- Pop-up in the Park
- This program is designed to create a small gathering to build AccesSurf’s community. Volunteers can run this program on land with AccesSurfers to take time to cruise and enjoy the company at the park, beach, or backyard.
- Day at the Beach
Video (Refer to our Community Ambassador video)
Personal Story
All volunteers and AccesSurfers have a story to tell about the impact that AccesSurf has had on their individual life. We encourage everyone to tell their story to others in their community.
Share examples of why you believe in ASH and want to be a volunteer.
- Empower
- Include
- Opportunity
- Incentive
- Exposure
Preparing for the Expo
- Items needed:
- Table (ask if provided)
- Tent (ask if provided)
- Table cloth (AccesSurf branded)
- Informational brochures
- Information business cards
- Candy
- Visuals (TV, video, laptop, posters, adaptive equipment, etc.)
- Set-up and visual branding tips
- Display & Visuals. – the way individual perceives AccesSurf depends a great deal on the way you present your brand at the expo.
- Promotional Activities may include beach wheelchair rides, games, etc.
- Deliver memorable experiences.
- Influencers & ambassadors should join you if possible.
- Communicate AccesSurf’s values, mission, vision and personal stories.
- Giveaways always entice a person to visit, but what you say or do will keep the person thinking about AccesSurf.
- Use of technology can help with visuals and interest.
- Display & Visuals. – the way individual perceives AccesSurf depends a great deal on the way you present your brand at the expo.
- Perks of being an ambassador
- Swag gear
- Share your story and practice speaking in public
- Build a community around water people lifestyle
- Empowerment through the ocean of possibilities
- How a person can help and learn more about other volunteer opportunities
- Build our community
- Tell others about the impact of our programs
- Share your experiences with others
- Tell your leaders of the impact of our programs
- Volunteering
- Volunteers don’t have to be surfers (although we need those, too)!
- Swim, registration, equipment, safety, food tent, and surf instructors are the areas in which we need volunteers
- Fundraising
- Looking for sponsors for campaigns and events
- DATB lunch sponsors
- Online donations
- Attend fundraisers
- Build our community